This year you will be revising and extending the maths that you learned in the primary years. The main learning tool you will use is a workbook from the Center for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. It is a good idea to print out the entire workbook now and place it into a file so it is ready when you need it. I am also going to ask you to keep a learning journal this could be a large notebook or simply A4 sheets you add to your folder.
Your work is organised into tasks. There is no set time to complete each task, some you may whizz through and find easy, and others you may need to spend some extra time on. For each task, I will give you links to games, videos and extra resources, use good internet safety behaviours when leaving this webpage. Remember this is your learning, take your time and work hard but always set yourself a time limit. I suggest 30-40 mins a day on maths, once you reach that time limit stop and go and do something else, preferably something active.
Task 1 - Logic Puzzles
All maths is based on logic, so we are going to start with some logic problems.
Go to Puzzlebaron's site, read the instructions and have a go at a couple of logic problems. You can make them as large as you want by changing the grid size and you can also change the difficulty level. You will be asked to do logic problems at the start of each task, so do not worry if they seem difficult to begin with you will soon get the hang of them.
Complete pages 1-4 of MEP Maths Year 7a Unit 1.
Task 2 - Two-way Tables
Go to Puzzlebaron's site and complete at least 1 puzzle.
Some quick maths practice. Go to Make a Number on Mathsplayground and play the game. Change the difficulty by changing the number of cards.
In maths, we often use two-way tables to display information.
Watch BBC Bitesize Two-way Tables.
Complete questions 1-5 starting on page 5 of MEP Maths Year 7a Unit 1.
Task 3 - Two-way Tables
Go to Puzzlebaron's site and complete at least 1 puzzle.
Some quick maths practice. Go to Number Conundrum Integers on Mathsplayground and play the game.
Scroll down Mathsplayground to Super Maths Puzzles. There are a number of different Grid games at different levels for you to try. Have a go working out the information missing from the tables. Start with Grid Junior to get the hang of it then If your confident enough try Grid Pro and Challenge!
Complete questions 6 - 10 starting on page 8 of MEP Maths Year 7a Unit 1.
Task 4 - Identify Sets
You can choose today whether to complete a logic problem on Puzzlebaron or more Grid activities on Mathsplayground.
Watch Identify and Represent Sets on White Rose Maths.
Literacy and History link
Use your resources to create a biography for John Venn. Who was he? When and where did he live? What was he famous for?
Here is a great article by The Conversation to get you started.
This site Agroprep, is a fun site to work through but has lots of clickable adverts, please do not click off the page!
Here is a quick video to recap biography writing by Mary Ceido.
Remember your biography does not have to be an essay, there are lots of ways to make your work more interesting and fun:
Write a conversation between a chat show host and your famous person.
Write a poem about your famous person.
Create a timeline.
Film yourself delivering a news broadcast about the person.
Create a presentation.
Present and record your research as a spoken word or slam poetry piece.
Task 5 - Venn Diagrams and Sets
Play Galaxy Pals on Mathplayground.
Watch Interpret and create Venn Diagrams on White Rose Maths.
Go to the RSD2 Alert website and work your way through the activities.
Read Sets and Venn Diagrams on page 9-10 and then complete questions 1-5 of MEP Maths Year 7a Unit 1.
Task 6 - Intersection of Sets
You can choose today whether to complete a logic problem on Puzzlebaron or more Grid activities on Mathsplayground.
Watch Understand and use the intersection of sets on Whiterose Maths.
Finish questions 6-10 of MEP Maths Year 7a Unit 1.
Play Brain Puzzle on Mathplayground.
Task 7 - Understand the Union of Sets
Complete the Venn diagram activity on Transum. When you finish an activity on Transum print out a screenshot of the results and stick it into your workbook. That way you can always look back and see how you are improving.
Watch Understand and use the union of sets on White Rose Maths.
Read Set Notationon from page 14 and answer questions 1-5 of MEP Maths Year 7a Unit 1.
Task 8 - Understand the complement of sets
Time to start training that brain! For the next few tasks, I want you to focus on your mental maths at the start, so no calculators! Start on level 1 move up the levels is you are finding it too easy, stay at level 1 until you are confident to progress, each time you restart a level you will be given different numbers.
Play Numbasics on Transum.
Watch Understand and use the complement of sets on WhiteRose Maths.
Complete questions 6-10 from page 17 of MEP Maths Year 7a Unit 1.
Task 9 - Logic Problems and Venn Diagrams
Start at level 1 of Paint the Venn Diagram on Transum and see how far you can get. Do not forget to print out a screenshot of the highest level when you are on Transum activities to add to your workbook.
You can use Venn diagrams to help you solve logic problems.
Work your way through the rest of Unit 1 from page 19 MEP Maths Year 7a Unit 1.
Task 10 - Journelling
Take out your journal and turn to the first double-page spread.
You are going to fill the pages with everything you know about Logic and Venn Diagrams and sets. Make sure you include:
a title
set notation
Uses of Venn diagrams