This unit is all about multiplying decimals. Remember, you do not have to complete a task all in one go. If you need a break or are finding it tricky go do something else for 5 mins then come back. If you do have a break, or do it over a number of days make sure you restart working by playing the game at the start of the task. This will help your brain get ready and help you improve your basic maths.
Task 1 - Basic Multi-Digit Multiplication
Go and practice your multiplication skills with one of the games at multiplication.com.
Can you solve this problem by Multiplying by 1001 on Transum?
Complete level 1-4 of Basic Multiplication on Transum.
Watch MathsAntics Multi-digit Multiplication to revise the written method for multiplication.
Complete Grade 5 Unit 7 Decimal Multiplication on Khans Academy. Stop after Quiz 1.
Task 2 - Multiplication Methods
Go and practice your multiplication skills with one of the games at multiplication.com.
How many of these can you solve on Transums Broken Calculator?
Watch Napiers Bones by CENTURY Tech.
Watch The Box Method by Mr Napoles.
Watch Russian Multiplication by Mathtrain.
Next, practice using these methods by completing the rest of unit 6.2.
Which method do you prefer using? Why?
Task 3 - Multiplying Decimals
Go and practice your multiplication skills with one of the games at multiplication.com.
Watch Multiplying Whole Numbers by Decimals with Mr J.
Complete level 1 of Decimal Times on Transum.
Watch Multiplying Decimals by Decimals with Mr J.
Complete levels 3 and 3 of Decimal Times on Transum.
Complete Grade 5 Unit 7 Decimal Multiplication on Khans Academy. Stop after Quiz 2.
Next, practice using these methods by completing unit 6.3.
Task 4 - Long Multiplication Word Problems
Go and practice your multiplication skills with one of the games at multiplication.com.
Let's make sure you are confident with long multiplication.
Watch 3-Digit by 3-Digit Multiplication with Mr J.
Complete Grade 5 Unit 7 Decimal Multiplication on Khans Academy. Stop after Quiz 3.
Next, practice using these methods by completing unit 6.4.
Task 5 - Round-Up
Go and practice your multiplication skills with one of the games at multiplication.com.
Can you Solve the Two Pot Make Four problem on Transum?
Complete Levels 7 & 8 of Basic Multiplication on Transum.
Complete the Unit Test on Grade 5 Unit 7 Decimal Multiplication on Khans Academy.