Welcome back to week 2!
You will be learning how to use personification, metaaphors and similies to improve your descriptive writing. You will also be improving your comprehension (understanding) and inference skills and revisiting frontal adverbials.
Task 1
Read chapter 2.
Answer the following questions in your book.
What words show that Elliot does not want to speak to Patricia Porshley-Plum?
Why might Elliot like walking home?
Why does Elliot lie about his mum being sick?
Why does Elliot get panicked?
What impression do you get of Patricia?
Have a think about where you think Mum went. Draw a picture of the place she went to on the planning sheet. You will be writing more about this setting during the week.
Task 2
This week we are going to be working towards your big write task on Friday.
This week I am asking you to predict where mum went in our novel and then write a descriptive piece about the location.
As you already know, a good piece of writing starts with a good plan. I want you to begin by watching the Settings Description video by Miss Quinn Teaches. This video will remind you of all the things you need to be thinking about when you write.
Print out the sheet below to help you with your writing.
The first thing to consider is the purpose of the writing. Who Let The Gods Out is a fictional piece of writing that aims to entertain the reader and so, the purpose of your piece of writing will also be to entertain.
Next, let's recap similies and metaphors. You should be pretty confident recognising and writing your own similes and metaphors by now so we won't spend too long on these.
Watch the 'Similies and Metaphors' video by Grammarsongs.
Now I know you love songs so here is the Similies and Metaphor' song by Bazillions.
If you need to do more work on similes and metaphors go to this BBC 'What are Metaphors and Similies' lesson.
Use the planning sheet to write down some of the things you can include in your final piece of writing. Where is mum? What can she see, hear, taste, touch and taste? Can you use similes or metaphors to describe any of these things better? Make a note of them on your sheet.
Day 3
Today we are going to move on and look at personification. Like similes and metaphors, personification is a type of figurative language and is used to encourage readers to use their imaginations to create vivid pictures of what is being described.
Personification does this by giving non-human things human qualities. By humanising things, the writer brings the thing closer to the experience of the reader. This makes the writing more relatable and memorable.
Watch 'What is Personification' by Chungdahm Learning.
Now Personification by Bazillions.
Take a look at the pictures below. For each picture write one sentence using personification, write one simile and one metaphor. So for each picture you need to write three sentences. Read your sentences to your grown-up.
On your planning sheet, describe some of the setting elements using personification.
Day 4
Today we are going to revisit fronted adverbials.
Watch 'What are Fronted Adverbials?' by Oxford Owl.
Use what you know of adverbials and fronted adverbials to complete this worksheet.
Choose five fronted adverbials from the sheet that you will try to use in your writing and add them to your plan.
Task 5
Big write!
Today you are going to use all the planning you have done this week to write a description of where Mum might have gone.
To begin with, take a look at your planning sheet and fill in any missing information.
I want you to write at least two paragraphs for the description. There are a number of ways you could organise your writing into paragraphs.
Example 1
Each paragraph could contain information about a different sense/s. So, paragraph one might describe what can be seen and heard, paragraph 2 might move on to what you can touch and smell.
Example 2
Each paragraph might contain information about a different thing you are describing. Paragraph 1 might describe the mood of the setting e.g. ominous, dark and eerie. Paragraph 2 might describe the setting e.g. the garden and weather. Paragraph 3 might describe things in the setting e.g. the old, haunted house.
When you write your paragraphs start with a topic sentence that introduces the reader to the paragraph. This should be supported with at least 2-3 sentences and followed by a concluding sentence that circles back to your first topic sentence or moves the reader onto the next paragraph.
If your stuck and can't get started here are some tips that might help you.
Grab your favourite book and read a chapter focusing on the paragraphs that describe setting. Books such as The Hobbit and Harry Potter are good examples of books that describe settings well that you may have at home.
Find examples of stories online and use them as a template, just change bits using your planning to help you.
Go and ask a grown-up to record you telling them all about your setting. Listen to the recording. Then start by writing down one sentence you said, improving it so that it becomes a topic sentence. Think of what details you could add to the topic sentence to make a paragraph. Then go back to your recording to choose another topic sentence.
Once you have written your first draft. Use a coloured pen to correct spelling and grammar mistakes, add in information, take out information or to rearrange your writing. Then type up your finished description on the computer.
Well done, your finished for this week!