Here is a short unit of revision designed to refresh your memory before exam day and to improve your skills. The videos and resources I use here are different to the ones I used in the original unit of work. If you find you are struggling with a particular concept try going back to the original unit and looking at some of the resources there. Sometimes we just need the same information presented in a different way to be able to grasp it well.
Objective (SL/HL)
SL 4.1
Concepts of population, sample, random sample, discrete and continuous data.
Sampling techniques and their effectiveness.
SL 4.3
Measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode).
Measures of dispersion (interquartile range, standard deviation and variance).
Video Recap
Watch Addvance Maths Mean, Media and Mode video.
Addvance Maths Interquartile Range video.
Addvance Maths Standard Deviation Video.
Sampling Techniques by Revision Village.
If you are struggling with any of these concepts or have forgotten how to use your calculator to work out the values needed then please go back to the unit and go over anything that you need to relearn.
Calculator Videos
Transum Activities
Download the revision sheet below.

Depending on where you get your revision questions from:-
Revision workbook - go to it now and work through the arithmetic sequences and series section.
IXL - Probability and Statistics - Year 12 Y.1.- 2, 5 and S.2.
Revision Village - combines other topics, so wait to do this one.
SaveMy Exams - combines other topics, so wait to do this one.
Revision Dojo - Question Bank SL 4.3.
Khans Academy - Unit 2 Getting ready for AP statistics.
Extra Practice - these are from Maths Genie and are for A Levels but will give you extra practice. Sampling
This covers the basic knowledge for statistics and probability.