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GCSE Maths Unit 1 - Getting Ready

Writer's picture: Sallyann ClarkSallyann Clark

Welcome to GCSE Maths. Before we get started there are a few things I need you to do to get ready for this course.

  1. You will need two workbooks, one to keep as a maths journal and the other to complete calculations in. These could be digital workbooks, sheets of paper in a folder or standard books.

  2. You need a selection of equipment - pens, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, compass, protractor, ruler and a calculator approved by the exam board you plan to take your exam with.

  3. You need to go to your exam board website, AQA, OCR... and print out the specification document. Keep this safe! As you complete the course you can highlight the sections you have completed. At the end of the course, there will be time to complete any that have not been covered, all exam boards are different and change over time so it is important you check that you have covered everything.

  4. Bookmark Transum, Corbett Maths and Khans Academy.

  5. If you are opting to use a paid online platform to practice maths then get your adult to sign you up now. IXL is a good option but there are others.

Task 1 - The Basics

There is no point moving on until you have a good grasp of the basics; the four operations and how to use them with different types of numbers. I am going to list some videos you can watch and some work you can do if you are not confident with using the four operations with whole, positive numbers and writing down your method. Please work through the resources if you need to and then return to start working on other types of numbers such as negative numbers and fractions in unit 2. I want you to complete the exam-style questions for each operation even if you feel confident and do not need to work through the other resources.

As you move to GCSE you will be taking more responsibility for your learning. Please spend at least 30 mins a day on your maths. Ideally an hour a day would be great but split this into two separate sessions, and have a break between them. Lots of the resources, e.g. Corbett Maths have videos, worksheets or games that may be helpful if you are struggling so keep an eye out for them.

Multi-digit Addition

Watch Math Antics 'Multi-Digit Addition'.

Work through Grade 4 Unit 2 'Adding Multi-digit Numbers'. This unit should give you a sound understanding of addition and why it works.

Practice this method on Transum. You need to be able to complete level 8.

Complete the Addition worksheet on Corbett Maths.

When you are comfortable with addition complete the Addition worksheet - Exam Style on Corbett Maths.

If you are finding it difficult to add the numbers because your mental recall of number facts is not solid enough you can go to MathsXtra every day for a few minutes and improve your mental recall there.

Multi-digit Subtraction

Watch Math Antics 'Multi-Digit Subtraction'.

Work through Grade 4 Unit 2 'Subtracting Multi-digit Numbers'. This unit should give you a sound understanding of subtraction and why it works.

Practice this method on Transum. You need to be able to complete level 8.

Complete the Subtraction worksheet on Corbett Maths.

When you are comfortable with subtraction complete the Subtraction worksheet - Exam Style on Corbett Maths.

Again you can improve mental maths skills by continuing to use MathsXtra.

Multi-digit Multiplication

Watch Math Antics 'Multi-Digit Multiplication Pt. 1'.

Work through Grade 4 Unit 2 'Multiplying by one digit Numbers'. This unit is slightly long. Take a look at it, you should really be secure with the knowledge up to quiz one and might be able to skip this section but work through the rest, to get a sound understanding.

Practice this method on Transum. You need to be able to complete level 4.

Watch Math Antics 'Multi-Digit Multiplication Pt. 2'

Work through Grade 4 Unit 2 'Multiplying by two digit Numbers'.

Practice this method on Transum. You need to be able to complete level 8.

Complete the Multiplication worksheet on Corbett Maths.

When you are comfortable with multiplication complete the Multiplication worksheet - Exam Style on Corbett Maths.

Multi-digit Division

Watch Math Antics 'Basic Division'.

Work through Grade 4 Unit 2 'Multidigit Division'.

Practice this method on Transum. You need to be able to complete level 4.

Watch Math Antics 'Long Division'.

Work through Grade 5 Unit 2 'Multidigit Division'.

Practice this method on Transum. You need to be able to complete level 8.

Complete the Division Worksheet on Corbett Maths.

When you are comfortable with division complete the Division worksheet - Exam Style on Corbett Maths.

You are now ready to start GCSE Maths, Well done!


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